Not All Wrongs Can Be Forgiven

Uncover the Truth Behind Actaeon's World As He's Interrogated By a Detective Following A Grisly Murder

What Would You Do When the System Fails?

Some let it go, like most things shaped by the passage of time. Others take matters into their own hands, seeking to reclaim what has been stolen from them.

After his decision, he found an unexpected

The hardest choices are meant to haunt
you, but for him, the silence brought peace—a calm no one could understand.

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Meet The Mastermind

Fritz Frauendorf


After almost 3 years of having to shelve this project due to financial limitations, Fritz was able to finish funding this story and bring in the right talent to give it life. Having seen the world around him change and being upset with the fast passage of time, he wanted to dedicate a philosophical story to these ideas and challenge audiences to think.

Dona Nobis Pacem translates to Grant Us Peace, and Frauendorf credits Max Richter (composer for the TV series The Leftovers) for inspiring this title based off one of his tracks from the show.

Remo Rivero - Actaeon

Cody Mango - Detective Time

Fritz first met Remo and Cody at NYFA in 2017 in New York City, but it wasn’t until years later until they collaborated on their first project that Fritz directed. Remo brought the depth of Actaeon’s inner world to life as Cody challenged his views with the grounded Detective Time (as well as color grading the film beautifully).

Pietro Barba - Editor

Hunter Brockman - Sound Mixer

Fritz and Hunter have known each other over social media since 2014. It wasn’t until 2020 that they met in person when Brockmann helped out on Fritz’s previous major short film, re:attachment. Impressed with Hunter’s work ethic and having followed his individual efforts in post production, Fritz decided to bring Hunter onboard to give depth to the setting by adding layers of sound design. 

A new collaboration with Pietro allowed Fritz to step back from usually editing his own films and watch magic unfold.

Dona Nobis Pacem, along with Fritz’s upcoming film, Manic Man, are part of a proof of concept for a feature film titled re:attachment, based off Fritz’s short film of the same name.